Accountants & Green Economy

Solar Institute works with accountants to enable their raised expertise for advising business in environmental practices to supply to the Vast New Market Demand in Energy Efficiency and Conservation.

To Fast Track Energy & Conservation Environmental Reform in all Industry Markets.

Accountants can Register their interest via the Contact Form for a Professional SI Advisor Account
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Solar Institute (SI) Listed Accountants

Solar Institute wants to work with Accountants to collectively promote SI Listed Accountants with SI’s new Energy & Conservation Expertise for their clients’ businesses’ success in higher performance and growth.

Collective of SI Listed Accountants with Energy & Conservation Business Expertise.

SI facilitates Collective Promotion of SI Listed Accountants with such expertise for business advisory to:

1) Clients with Environmental businesses
2) Clients with any business taking up new environmental practices in their business operations.
3) New clients wanting to embrace direct and indirect green practices with the assistance of SI Listed Accountants equipped with such expertise.

Procurement Reform Promotion - by Selective Purchasing and Production

1) Selective Purchasing
SI and Accountants promote best practice of purchasing environmental labelled (SI Listed) goods in operation of their businesses.

2) Production & Supply
SI and Accountants identify business clients’ superior energy efficient, high performance, produced goods for SI Labeling and Promotion.

Industries with Environmental Goals in Goods Supply - Collective Marketing

1. Cost Efficient Sales Marketing
SI Listed Suppliers join collective group marketing in Local > National > World Markets with Sales Online Service Platform.

2. Accountants Environmental Advisory
Accountants should be first in delivering Best Practice businesses advice with Environmental Goals for Goods Supply and Procurement. 

Joining by accountants & their clients in this initiative leads to repeat specialist review, reporting and growth for those businesses prepared in addressing the New Vast Market Demand for Energy Efficient & Conservation Reform in Goods Supply & Procurement.

The Green Economy

The green economy had a global market value of nearly US $5.2 trillion. The world’s green economy was growing faster than the economy as a whole. The market value for the U.S.’s green economy is $1,050 billion. The U.S. has the world's largest green economy which accounts for almost 21% percent of the global total.

Report: Green Industry & Franchises

Green industries are innovative and popular.
The US Green industry sector created more than 9 million direct and indirect jobs in 2007 and produced $1.045 trillion in revenue that same year (Franchise Direct USA, Inc.).

The Industry
- Consumer Demand for Green Products & Services
- Incentives Franchised Businesses
- Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy

Types of Green Franchises
- Franchises that directly aid the Environment (Case Studies)
- Franchises that indirectly aid the Environment
Employs Green Technology & Practices, Profiles based on FDDs (Case Studies)

Green Industry Outlook
Choosing a Green Franchise
Industry Development & Outlook

Company Profiles
Green franchises that have built their business around environmental awareness.

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1330 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 23 a,
New York, NY 10019, USA


Level 28, AMP Tower, 140 St Georges Terrace,
Perth 6000, AU